Cool Peppermint Winter Cocoa

Cool Peppermint Winter Cocoa

What could possibly come after a sunny afternoon playing in the snow making snowmen than a warming mug of hot cocoa. Well, of course, I try to up the ante on the health quotient, but the recipe substitutions I made were to create a lovely drink to help those migraine mamas by replacing the chocolate. (Yes, chocolate can cause migraines. Unfair, isn't it.)

My kids loved it and it didn't pump them full of sugar like the store bought hot chocolate mix.  

I like the cooling mint. Combined with the swirl of creamy and warm. The only thing my afternoon needs to be complete is a book and a thick blanket.  

Cheers and happy snowman building!

Cool Peppermint Winter Cocoa

1 cup water, boiling

1/4 cup coconut milk

2 teaspoons carob powder (cacao, or cocoa as well)

1 Tablespoon creamed honey or xylitol, to taste

Splash of vanilla

1 mint tea packet

Add the boiling water to a mug and steep the tea bag. Remove the tea bag, and add all of the ingredients, stirring until well blended.

The marshmallow blop on top is actually frozen coconut cream whip that I dropped onto a cookie sheet in spoonfuls and froze. (It was a ready made coconut whipped cream from the freezer section). If you are ambitious, you can make your own coconut cream from the can, and then freeze in spoonfuls.  



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