Pretty in Pink Juice

Pretty in Pink Juice

One of my other daily faves for juicing is this blend.  This juice works to not only use beets, which is a powerful liver detoxifier, but combined with pear and lime; it is a natural antioxidant as it flows through the blood system including all the teeny tiny capillaries of the face that make up how glowy our skin is.  If you're really ambitious for the glowing capabilities your skin possesses, add a dash of cayenne pepper to the mix.  

Juicing is a bioavailable way for the cells to receive nutrition, unimpeded, as it does not have to work hard in the digestive system to break down cells that contain it. It is free to move through the intestines in a clean way, delivering power packed nutrition.

Juicing has been known to:

Be a great way to get nutrition if one is sick or having difficulty with digestion.

Can be warm and served like a tea or soup, which is great for the cold, or cold, even iced like tea.

Liver care that we all need to function well.

Perfect nutrition for skin health, as it has been known due to it's detox and antioxidant properties, to reduce eczema flares and skin rashes, and allergic responses.

Reduces multiple chemical sensitivity.

Reduce toxic burden in the cells.

Have potent anti aging benefits.

Strengthen adrenal glands, for energy and vitality.

Being a powerful component to healing and restoring gut function.

Juicing is also known as a powerful pain reliever over time because of it's capacity to reduce cellular inflammation.

 Obviously, juicing's benefits are varied and many.  It all comes down to cellular health:  the ability to get nutrients IN and allows wastes passage OUT.

For this beauty boosting beverage:

2 beet tops (cut most of the beet off and use for your meal, saving a 1/4 of the beet attached to the greens, clean as best as possible)

1 lime

2 pears

2 cups of water

A handful of spinach

Juice and serve over ice.  Enjoy the bountiful beautiful benefits!


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1 comment

What type of juicer do you suggest?

Teresa Albrecht

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